Are The Treats And Foods You Purchase For Your Pets Truly Safe?

Apr 26, 2016 | Pet Food | 0 comments

I’m sure we all remember the pet food recalls that occurred over the last couple of years.  It seemed like there was a new recall every week of treats or foods for our beloved pets.  It made me wonder what was really going on and how the average consumer was supposed to know whether what we were purchasing for our furry family members was truly safe.  What I uncovered was both interesting and perplexing.

A lot of us began shopping for foods that were labeled “Made In The USA”, thinking that meant these foods were safe for our pets.  But what does “Made In The USA” really mean?  For a food product to carry a “Made In The USA” label, it must be made from all or “virtually” all US products.  In pet foods, that includes the ingredients, packaging and production of the food product must take place on US soil.  Be aware, upon further investigation you may find “Made In The USA” in bold, but look further for any small print that may indicate not all products are from the US.  An example may be:  “Made In The USA with beef imported or sourced from China”.

Lots of products now say “Proudly Made In The USA” but there is no mention of where the ingredients come from.  Again, that does not mean the ingredients are from the US.  These ingredients can come from overseas, or they may actually come from a questionable farm source in the US.  Even some jerky treats, that caused widespread panic a few years back, are still being made from beef imported from China but are technically “made” in the USA.  Our pet’s foods can contain things like toxins which are carcinogenic; Salmonella, which is more prevalent in dry kibble foods, which may not make the pet sick, but could harm the people who feed the pets; and Melamine and Cyanuric Acid used together, can lead to renal failure.   Both of these components come from wheat gluten and are used as a thickening agent in pet foods.

Another tricky labeling game is “Manufactured By” or “Manufactured For”.  “Manufactured By” means the product was made by XYZ Company and they are responsible for its quality and safety.  A label that reads “Manufactured For” or “Distributed By” means the food or product was made by a company other than the one selling the product.  For example, generic or private label brands – any unknown company could be making this product for a better or well know company to then sell under that better or well know companies name brand.  For example – “Made by Diamond Manufacturing for The Purina Companies”.  I am looking at a product right now that states “Made in China for the Hartz Mountain Corporation”, and then it goes on the show the US address for The Hartz Company.  Anyone quickly reading that label may see the US company address and think it was a product sourced and manufactured in the US, which it is clearly not.  A company that makes their own product has more control over the ingredient sources and processes.  They are also better able to handle quality control, cleanliness and cross contamination issues.

Dr. John Tegzes, a Professor of Veterinary Toxicology and a founding faculty member of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, recommends only buying brands that are made with human-grade ingredients that are certified through the USDA and/or the FDA.  He warns, though, “there are some brands that claim to use USDA grade ingredients, but there is more that should be considered. Consumers should inquire whether the company employs veterinarians as core members of the pet food team.”  (Source: “Think USA Made Pet Foods Are Safe” Think Again”)

On a final note, the ASPCA generally does not recommend feeding your pets any generic or store brand foods or snacks.  It is also best to get a recommendation from your veterinary professional or even a pet supply store with a great reputation and knowledgeable staff, about what and how much to feed your pets.  Be sure to read the portion guidelines for both food and snacks, as an overweight pet is not cute and cuddly, it is an unhealthy condition for your pet to be in. So please be sure to do your research when you are looking for a great food or treat to feed to your beloved pet; we all want only the best for them.  Make sure “Made In The USA” is truly “Made In The USA”.


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